Fibromyalgia (FM) pain is a very common condition that affects more than 3 million Americans. FM causes chronic muscle aches and pains and can affect almost every part of the body. It tends to be worse in cold weather, which may lead some patients to incorrectly assume that they are just getting sick. Some other Continue Reading…
Category: Fibromyalgia Treatment
Fibromyalgia Syndrome Symptoms and How to Recognize Them
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that affects many people around the world. It causes pain in a wide range of muscles and joints, but most commonly occurs in the neck, back and shoulders. The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, and there is no cure for it. Most cases of fibromyalgia develop during adulthood, but can Continue Reading…
Best Fibromyalgia Medication for Pain Relief?
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes severe, long-lasting, non-specific muscle aches. It’s characterized by tenderness in muscles and joints which cause the affected person to feel tired and exhausted. The symptoms can last for hours and even days on end. People with this condition report that they often experience insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, depression, Continue Reading…
How to Get Fibromyalgia Diagnosis?
Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by chronic pain that extends over most of the body. There are many people who suffer from this condition, but they don’t know what causes it or how to treat it effectively. It is possible to get a proper diagnosis if you visit your doctor and ask for it. If Continue Reading…
What is the most effective treatment for fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is an illness that affects millions of people around the world. While there isn’t any absolute cure for it, there are a variety of methods that have proven to be helpful. In this blog post we will go over the most effective treatment options for Fibromyalgia and the best ways to start finding relief Continue Reading…
Fibromyalgia Treatment That Works!
The Battlefield Of Fibromyalgia “Make no mistakes. Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis that can lead to a battle.” It doesn’t matter that you are suffering from chronic widespread pain, trouble sleeping, and fatigue. The average healthcare professional and, perhaps more importantly, your family members might not be able to fully appreciate the severity of your condition. Continue Reading…